Friday, August 4, 2017

Pre-NecronomiCon Correspondance

Some ballpoint pen skull studies, the perfect size for yet more postcards, this time for friends I'll see at NecronomiCon-Providence 2017. Only two weeks away!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dim Shores Postcard Art- Watercolor Skulls

More "Thank You" postcards made for those who participated in Dim Shores' 2017 GoodReads contest.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Dim Shores Postcard Art- Skulls in Space

Congrats to Chris Gomes, the winner of Dim Shores' GoodReads contest who received one of my scratchboard illustrations from Christoper Slatsky's Palladium at Night.

There were eleven participants, all who bought Slatsky's book and left a review on GoodReads, and as thanks, I've made postcards for them...